5 must-have items that every FIFO worker should have in 2023

6 must-have items that every FIFO worker should have

As a miner or FIFO worker, you know that your job comes with some pretty unique challenges.

But did you know that there are some items out there that can make your life a whole heap easier?

Here are 6 must-have gadgets that every miner and FIFO worker should have.

1. A good set of earplugs – to block out the sound of the machinery and your mates talking shit.

2. A waterproof case - hey cobber, do you ever get concerned that you may drop and damage for phone or vape when on the job? Don't worry, slip all of your precious items in this little waterproof pouch and then throw it in your crib bag with minimum fuss. Protect your goods here.

The Nipper Store Mining 3in1 Accessories Waterproof case

3. An extra charger for your phone – because there’s nothing worse than being stuck with a dead battery. This one's got a torch too. 

The Nipper Store Spare Battery

4. Cap Lamp – do you want to have shift, upon shift of crystal clear light down the hole? Check this one out.

The Nipper Store Mining torch Accessories

4. A Non-company branded Cap – For those who want a casual peaked hat for when they're sinking a few tins on shift change. Get it here.


5. Water Bottle

Whether it's sweltering hot or bone-chillingly cold, that hefty container of H20 helps keep workers hydrated even under the gruelling shift conditions. This one features a wide mouth "chug" non-leak cap, this will fit perfectly in any miner's crib bag. Get it here.

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